Multimedia Hall

Student Scientist Interaction Program

To promote the involvement of students and teachers in scientific research activities, thereby understand the role of scientific attitude in building their personality. Our aim is to imbibe scientific bent of mind in the young minds by encouraging them to ask questions and strike a discussion with eminent scientists. These discussions will not only cover the latest developments in the fields of science and technology, but also focus on crafting social responsibilities and emphasize on the duties of citizens towards the nation.

In view of improving the quality of education, it is felt necessary to introduce socio- scientific dialogue among the public and scientists. Students will not only improve their thought processes but also set a career path towards science and humanities as their profession. BV Jagadeesh Science Centre proposes to conduct such programs in schools and colleges throughout the state. This program is titled Student-Scientist Interaction Programme (SSIP) and resonates with the common goal of National Education Society of Karnataka. SSIP is a program that will span over 12 months to conduct public outreach activities involving other colleges. The Second of the program will cover the entire state by collaborating with other schools and colleges at district level. We believe that such open dialogues are effective ways of popularising science and humanities, with a goal towards a better nation.